Root Canal Therapy Etobicoke Toronto

It is a non-surgical method used to repair, conserve, and maintain natural dentition that has been permanently destroyed owing to trauma or injury, decay, or medical/systemic issues. The treatment's purpose is to reduce and prevent widespread infections. The injured nerve or pulp is removed during the root canal procedure, and the interior of the tooth is cleansed and cleaned before being re-sealed. An impacted tooth with compromised nerve tissue may cause considerable injury to a patient's natural dentition if left untreated. Contact Queen’s Plate Dental Clinic in Etobicoke today for more information on root canal treatment.

Why Should I Consider Root Canal Treatment?

Here some of the more common symptoms and telltale signs that you may need to get a root canal:

  • Widespread distress and agony
  • Formation of pus-filled pockets or abscesses on the surface of the gums that are persistent and recurrent
  • Persistent sensitivity to temperature
  • Tooth movements and sensitivity to contact during gnawing, biting, and grinding
  • Discoloration of the molar in question
  • Swelling and sensitivity in the adjacent bone and periodontal tissues

It should be noted that there are cases for a root canal even when no symptoms are present.

Root Canal Procedure

Endodontic procedures at Queen's Plate Dental are typically performed over the course of one, two, or more appointments, contingent upon the complexity and severity of the case as well as the patient's tolerance level.

  • As with any other dental procedure, the initial evaluation is the foundational phase of root canal therapy. Due to the fact that each tooth is of varying length and size, the dentist will conduct an examination and x-ray.
  • Following the establishment of the conclusive diagnosis and prior to the commencement of treatment, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to ensure complete lack of sensation in and around the tooth.
  • After the endodontist has cleared his field of vision, he begins by gaining access to the pulp chamber by piercing a small incision in the apex of the tooth.
  • To eliminate decayed nerve tissue from the pulp chamber and root canals, the minute channels that run the length of the root, extremely small, file-like instruments are utilized.
  • Following a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection process, the canals are meticulously shaped to ensure adequate space for the infill material.
  • The dentist meticulously fills the root canals with Gutta-Percha, a biocompatible, rubber-like material, following the shaping process. Using an adhesive cement, this material is applied to ensure that the canals are completely sealed.
  • When the canals are successfully sealed, the endodontist typically inserts a temporary filling to seal the opening created in the crown of the tooth.
  • Once the tooth is prepared for restoration with a crown or other dental appliance or restoration, the dentist will remove the impermanent filling and substitute it with a more durable and permanent material to restore the tooth's full functionality.

Following a root canal procedure, it is normal to experience minimal to moderate discomfort for the first 24 to 48 hours; however, the pain is rarely persistent. It is recommended that patients exercise caution in their dining, grooming, and flossing routines for a few days after treatment.

With an over 95% success rate, root canal treatments are highly effective when correctly maintained. The majority of teeth that are repaired through endodontic treatment are permanent. If you are in need of a root canal treatment, contact Queen’s Plate Dental in Etobicoke and book a consultation.